Allied Educational Resources curently stands as one of the thriving educational firms in Nigeria poised to provide excellent world-class services to our stakeholders. We are well-positioned to meet the demands of an ever dynamic sector having provided outstanding services for organizations like; Dangote Group of companies, Quantum Travel Ltd, Nestle Plc, Ultimate Gas, NNPC, Leather World Ltd, Orange Drugs Ltd, among others.
We accomplish this task through quality training, consulting, and education. We believe that organizational learning is one good option to empower your workforce to continuously create value for the company. Our goal is to be a valuable partner in your company’s growth; hence we offer your employees quality training including customized certificates and programs. Our programs cut across management, supervisory, strategy, sales, safety, and leadership training programs delivered through face to face, online and virtual Zoom
Our special offer to your organization is the opportunity to continuously train all your employees on a discounted low fixed rate of N (please, use naira sign) 300,000(Three hundred thousand naira) per quarter. Offer includes the following:
Create your own learning schedule and choose your preferred 20 courses from the AER course library of over 300 courses.
Option 1 – your employees’ access to 20 courses online (24/7) per quarter (3 months)
Option 2 – choose 2 virtual Zoom class per week as an option per quarter (3 months)
Employees receive a certificate of completion per course
Each option for one fixed rate of 300,000 per quarter savings of over 500,000 naira per
An annual subscription will attract a 30% discount