Network marketing is one of the world’s most unique and profitable, yet misunderstood business models today. The beauty of network marketing is that anyone gets the chance to start without any experience, knowledge or education. Unfortunately, most people take this opportunity for granted, and they expect to magically get rich quick without working hard for it.
While you can easily join any MLM company with no prior knowledge or skills, you need to quickly catch up with self-education in order to succeed. The top earners in today’s network marketing world are also the top learners. Yet, there are no network marketing degrees offered by business schools, and it’s not easy to find a good source to educate yourself as a new network marketer.
Event Date: 11th and 12th March, 2020
Event Period: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Event Duration: 2 Days
Venue: Red Lens Center, 21 Ajanaku street, Awuse Estate, Opebi, Ikeja, Lagos Nigeria / Abuja
Price:₦65,000.00(Per Participant).
Also Available for Customized Date and Time
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